Announcement: We're launching an online Bubble Community to enable Bubblers to meet over webcam

Middle of the night for me I am afraid :frowning:

I’m with you @NigelG - perhaps we can get every second event to happen at 9am Eastern then us Europeans can participate too.

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Very interesting concept! A common theme but dealt in a 1 to 1 manner with a predetermined group. Congratulations on the innovation. Do you get unexpected positive results from this format?

By the way the “Add Event” page has a flickering action going on. Not sure if it’s my version of Safari. I have a video of it if it helps.

Available for Bubble sessions
Independent Developer

Also, another possible small bug that might be related. On the “create-event” page when you press on the Profile icon, nothing happens for a long time and then you get the Bubble error ~ “we have reached a temporary issue…” message

Available for Bubble sessions
Independent Developer

Thanks @mente12, could you send me the video clip? That’d be super helpful. We’re also running a large event right now and are hovering above 90% capacity on our dedicated server so that could be part of it. Can’t wait for Bubble to add variable capacity for dedicated servers so we can ramp up a 2nd server for a few hours when needed (and back down when not needed).

@patricia, I completely agree with you. We want to make sure this is useful for everyone so we’ll find a way to make this work for people across various time zones throughout the world. We’ll give this more thought today and will suggest a solution by the end of the week.

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appreciate that @sridharan.s - I’ve been and am a member of European and American entrepreneurial groups like these (although I think your 1-on-1 may be the difference that really makes this work). The relationships are invaluable for personal and professional reasons but they are too generic, too broad, I look forward to a group with a single interest and activity - bubble.