API Connector Google Calendar

Thank you both for the replies.

@ryley.randall I’m attempting this process (to get the email) immediately after doing the oauth process (on a page i called catch_token), so I don’t think it would need the refresh_token at that moment…?

@romanmg That’s what I figured, but I’m unclear how to do this (in terms of using the access_token instead of the API Key - but I attempted something, described in the next paragraph, which didn’t work) - and yes, i have it set up according to how it is shown in this thread with oauth2 (Google Calendar API use case - #7 by mebeingken).

So I just tried to use the access_token in the call instead - I wiped my database (i deleted the access_token and refresh_token) and then removed my app from this page https://myaccount.google.com/permissions

Then I performed my initial workflow to get the access_token and quickly took that access_token generated and put it after the Bearer, which looked like this:

When I initiate the call now, it gives this response:

It looks like it’s giving me the “plus.login” text, rather than the actual email that (I’m guessing) should be contained in it…

Based on that response I’m getting, I also tried changing the Data type at the top right (see below) to “text” - when I Initialize the call, nothing happens (it says “Connecting” as the text of the button, for about 1/4 of a second and then goes back to Initialize Call - with no pop-up response after).

Any ideas?

thanks again