API workflow not activated (known as Backend Workflow)


After upgrading my account, and clicking on API workflow in settings. It’s still not showing up. Is their a way to activate this? Thanks.

In settings, API tab, you need to activate Workflow API

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By clicking “this app exposes a workflow API?” I clicked and still nothing. How do I activate it?

You will find this in the Page selection at the bottom. This is now called “Backend workflows”.


Ohh!! Thank you! I was looking for API workflow.

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I guess for completeness we need to refer to these things as “backendAPIserverside” workflows now? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(I heartily endorse the nomenclature change from “API Workflow” to “Backend Workflow” — how many times have I noted in videos that the original name was dumb? — but find it funny that that change hasn’t been made across the app.

On a related note, I guess that “Server Side Actions” should now be called “BACKEND ACTIONS”. I’m going to make a video where I discuss Backend Actions and giggle like a 12-year-old continually.)


+1 to rename Backend for ServerSide Workflows/Actions @eve @emmanuel
As long as I remember, even Bubble talks about server side thing :slight_smile:

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