App performance and privacy tester

Hi there,

I just have finished my app, I havw followed all the “best practices” guides here in the forum, youtube, paid tutorials, documentation, yet I want to have an expert assistance, to identify what I may have done wrong in Data base structure, or Privacy concerns, to tell me what to do to make it more performant and to make sure that I didn’t make anything wrong.

Please let me know if you are interested, but you MUST have a very good experience and well, documented, and proven success in app creation and performance optimization.

just to update whom ever sees this post, I have already got in touch with a bubble expert that is welling to support me with this task, lets see how it goes :slight_smile:

Just wanted to update you guys because I appreciate all of your time and effort and I don’t want you to waste time on a not very up to date post.

and again thanks all! :slight_smile: