Hi guys, I’m brand new here, and pretty excited. I think you’re doing a wonderful job. I’m an italian designer willing to use bubble for a side project, but I’m did not full understand yet the possibilities of Bubble.
- As instance is possible to build “a clone” (sorry for the over-semplification) of pixieset.com? Or gumroad.com? Or wetransfer.com? Are there some still missing pieces for building them? I’m evaluating which path has less friction
- is there a way to start building a web app in bubble and (in the case of upcoming problem or limitation) then tranfer the code in a “standard” language as RoR or PHP? As instance: I try to build my app, reaching 80% of what I need but the app misses some crucial functions. Can I keep the job I did in bubble and ask a developer to complete the project?
- is there a chance of having a sort of “pair-programming” mentor? A bubble’s expert who help me once a week for overcoming problems and reach the goal?