🎵 ᴺᴱᵂ ᴾᴸᵁᴳᴵᴺ Audio File Analyzer

Hi Bubblers !

With this plugin, you can analyse the meta data of an audio file, detecting its encoding, sample rate, duration, and number of channels. It also provides a compatibility mode to directly parameterise Google Speech API.

You can test out our Audio File Analyzer Plugin with the live demo.

Enjoy !
Made with :black_heart: by wise:able
Discover our other Artificial Intelligence-based Plugins


And now with the following file metadata detection :slight_smile: :

  • Album
  • Album Artist
  • Artist
  • Title
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I keep getting this error msg.

Is this the right way to get the metadata?

Hi @cohereandnow ,

Can you please specify the plugin version you are testing on?

1.3.1 Footprint improvement

The latest version

Got it, easy fix @cohereandnow .

However I can’t publish it as Bubble is suffering a blocking bug preventing any plugin update

Please bear with me.

No worries! Thanks for you help. Ill keep an eye out for when its finished

@cohereandnow ,

As a possible workaround, please downgrade to an earlier version.

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@cohereandnow .

I submitted a patch, can you please upgrade to the latest version and let me know if that works?


It works! Thank you

How would I complete this statement to save the album or artist?

Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 3.32.03 AM

Also, It doesn’t seem to be saving the correct time… It says the file is 239 seconds but the file is actually 15 minutes

Hello @cohereandnow ,

Please refer to the demo editor showing those sample informations:

Can you please share the audio file?

Whats the best way to share it with you? I cant add audio files in this thread.

I tried it with multiple audio files to see if a different one would work. I uploaded one that is 47 min and it shows 342 seconds.

Please share the links/urls to those files in DM, so I can download those files and check their metadata.

I issued a fix.
Please update to the latest plugin version and let me know.

Got it, it works. Thank you for updating it!

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It seems that it does’t work 100% of the time for mp3 files. Could I send some of the mp3 files that aren’t working? Maybe you could test them and see why its not working for them.

Also, is it possible at retrieve the files covert art and make it work for mp4 or m4a files?

Thank you!

Hey @cohereandnow ,

Some files may either exceed the 30 backend seconds processing time OR their metadata may simply be wrongly formatted.

Unfortunately there isn’t much I could do here, besides rebuilding the plugin to an external infrastructure allowing additional processing - but then the plugin would become as a subscription - would you be keen on this solution?