🏷 ᴺᴱᵂ ᴾᴸᵁᴳᴵᴺ AWS Rekognition Video - Detect Objects (incl. Automated AWS Environment Setup!)

Hi Bubblers !

With this plugin, you can detect instances of real-world entities within a MPEG-4 or MOV video, encoded using the H. 264 codec and stored in AWS S3.

This includes objects like flower, tree, table, events like wedding, graduation, birthday party, and concepts like landscape, evening, and nature.

The plugin returns a list of Labels. For each, it returns the object name, bounding boxes size & coordinate, and confidence level), and the timestamp.

You can test out our AWS Rekognition Video - Detect Labels Plugin with the live demo.

Enjoy !
Made with :black_heart: by wise:able
Discover our other Artificial Intelligence-based Plugins

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Hello Bubblers!

This plugin has been updated to provide an automated script to configure your AWS environment :man_mechanic:t3:.
