Background color is printed as transparent/white

Hello, I have a Group with flat background color.

But when I print it out, it comes out as transparent or white.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 164606

What am I doing wrong? Would anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you in advance

Hi there,

I think it is because of the setting of the browser you use.
if you use chrome,
1.Open the Print Dialog

  • Press Ctrl + P(Windows/Linux) or Cmd + P(Mac).
  • Alternatively, click on the three-dot menu (⁝) in the top-right corner and select Print.
  1. Expand More Settings
  • In the print preview window, click on “More settings” to expand additional options.
  1. Enable Background Graphics
  • Scroll down and check the box for “Background graphics”.
  1. Print the Page
  • Once the setting is enabled, proceed with printing by clicking “Print”.

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