Best PDF viewer

Hi All,

What’s the best and most reliable pdf viewer solution people are using?

I have tried a few plugins and in my experience reliability is a bit of a hit and miss.

My use case is very simple, user upload documents and can view the documents in app via PDF viewer.

I don’t use a viewer plugin but just an HTML element that uses the browser’s native viewer

Inside an HTML element do:

    <object data="[insert dynamic file URL here]" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
      <p>Unable to display PDF. <a href="[insert dynamic file URL here]">Download</a> instead.</p>

I am not sure if it works on mobile browsers so instead it falls back to showing text to download it.

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Device’s browser’s.

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Better Uploader (disclaimer: my own plugin, but it’s free) comes with an element called ‘Better File Previewer’. What it does is detects whatever file you provide it and it chooses the best way to view the file. If it’s a PDF or an image, it’ll use an <object> or <iframe> tag. If it’s an Office document such as word, excel or powerpoint, it’ll preview it in a compatible container. If it detects there are no great solutions, it defaults to a fallback image that you determine.

It also automatically updates if ever the data source changes. Hope this helps



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