Better Uploader ☁️ [Free Plugin]

Thanks so much for the kind words :slight_smile:

I don’t charge for this plug-in, but hopefully it helps promote my other plugins (some free and some not). I’m really happy I’ve helped!

A review would be much appreciated!

All the best,

Hello! @jonah.deleseleuc
I have a feature request!

  1. When Drag and dropping is it possible to expose the state so when a file is hovered into the drop zone so we can indicate to our users.
  2. Also is it possible to have the option to make the whole page a drop zone?



UPDATE 3.1.0

A new exposed state, a File or Folder is Hovered has been added. It is a “yes / no” state, that returns “yes” when a file or folder is hovering over the uploader. This is useful for doing the following:

Enjoy! :slight_smile:



Absolutely great! thank you for this and this was done very fast!
Amazing Jonah!

Best :slightly_smiling_face:

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Always a pleasure :slight_smile: Don’t forget to leave a review!

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Hi Jonah,

Just trying your plugin out, and running into an issue where the file browser is not highlighting my file type. How do I go about telling the browser to see the file extension I’m wishing to upload? For reference, I’d like to upload .gpx file.


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Can you upload a screenshot?

Unsure of what you mean by that but I’m willing to help

Here I have an Uploader… on a side note - Notice the placeholder text appears empty… but I can work around that.

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 10.53.04 AM

When I click on Upload, it does not recognize, allow me to select a .GPX file.

Only after selecting ALL FILES - does it become selectable…

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 10.54.18 AM

The Key reason I’m trying to use your plugin is that on Mobile I have problems downloading files with illegal filenames (whitespace etc), so I wanted to be able to change their filenames on upload… but the chooser doesn’t seem to like my file extension.


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Okay, I see the problem. It’s actually because gpx isn’t a common file type. I’ll add it to the list :slight_smile:

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UPDATE 3.2.0

Added a Suggested File Types field

In this field, you can tell the user’s OS what file types you are expecting. This avoids users having to click the “All Files” dropdown in order to find the non-standard file they are looking for.

For example, let’s say I want users to be able to see the .gpx file extension by default. By entering .gpx in the Suggested File Types field, the OS will display .gpx files alongside the other common file types in that directory. You can also now filter the files based on that file extension. See the screen capture below!


I just did!!

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Fantastic!!! Thank you sir!

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I’m using better uploader but i’m having the same issue as chris above where the placeholder is not showing on the button, its just empty. Is this a bug or am i missing something?

Also, I’ve got one workflow where i’m trying to save the images directly to a list state once they’ve been uploaded but i’m finding this impossible to do.
Ive got it setup so that when a new files is added they are automatically uploaded and then i set the state to capture them but no matter what i do it won’t work. I’ve tried using “merge with” and “plus item” but it’s not going anywhere.
How do I get around this? The merge with functionality works fine with the other uploader to achieve the list.


Hey there,

  1. Are you sure the placeholder isn’t working, or is it just showing up as empty in the editor?
  2. You’re trying to save the “uploaded data” exposed state to a list state, right? This should work because the exposed state simply exposes the URLs, and you can do as you please with those URLs after

I can see the placeholder in the editor but not in the browser. It also doesn’t seem to update to the right font/weight in the editor.
Here’s what it looks like in the browser, I’ve used a normal uploader above it.
Here’s the settings in the editor:

Here is the workflow for the merging with the statelist. It uploads the photos as I can see them in the file manager, but it doesn’t add them to the list.


UPDATE 3.3.0

Added the event File(s) are done uploading and made the Uploader preview better!

Here is a link to a video that answers your problem

The new event fires after the file(s) are done uploading, which allows you to perform operations on the files. Without using this, what happens is if you try using the files in the workflow tab directly after uploading them, Bubble does not wait for the upload to complete and so it tries merging an empty list to your list and so naturally it fails.

Happy Bubbling!

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Legend, thanks for fixing that so quickly. Great plugin!

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Hey mate,
Still getting the reoccurring issue with the label not appearing on the button. Once I upload something the button displays the file names though… any idea? On a side note, is it possible to turn off the filenames appearing on the button? I can’t see any reason why someone would want that messy look when they can show the files in a repeating group.

I’ve watched your videos on the uploader but I’m looking for a way to delete individual files from it before the actual upload. So that if people make a mistake and upload unwanted files they can delete it instead of deleting all the images and starting again. Is that possible?

Thanks again.

Hey there,

I’d recommend deleting the Uploader, reinstalling the plug-in and making sure it’s in the latest version. As you can see from my video and I’ve also tested it in several editors and I’m not seeing that problem. Could be a one time bug.

As for the other thing, yeah the whole point of this Uploader was originally separate the “staging” process from the “upload” process. The reason why is because you can use the Raw Data exposed state to preview your files, so that a user can see their file onscreen before they upload it. After they decide the want to upload the file, you could have a separate button that sends the file to the server.

Please refer to the videos in the original post because they explain more on that.


There’s also no plans to disable seeing the file names on upload. This is a default behaviour for all HTML file inputs. If you want to disable you can use a bit of CSS to modify it the way you like!

Hope you can get it working