trying to initialize the call with the character also breaks the call and has been impossible to initialize it with it, regardless of trying to escape it with \ or double \ \ (no space between)
If JSON safe doesn’t work you can use ‘find and replace’ for the characters that you are aware of. It’s just not a very good solution since there might be more down the line that you might need to fix. Maybe send a bug report so they are aware of that.
I personnaly think it’s an issue with the API service and not Bubble.
Single quotes doesn’t need to be escaped in JSON. You can check with jsonlint to validate the JSON.
However, the API service could have issue with special characters. Which API are you calling? Which error do you get?
"parent_folder_id": "XXXXXXX", // place the folder ID of your GDrive folder where you want to folder to be created
"broker_folder_name": "Ledger's of FOOLAND ", // name of the folder you want
"sub_folders": ["clients", "templates"] // list of subfolders wanted.
Case closed folks. As embarrassing as it is to admit, the issue was that the URL of the endpoint was changed (new deployment that acepted the ’ character), but not changed on the plug-in so we were making the call to “broken api”. Nothing else. I feel like a total fool. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time and thanks for the help.