Bubble forum app

Just want to provide a quick tip for everyone who actively uses forums.

I try to be fairly pretty on forums helping people overcome issues and contributing to the community, my long time irritation is with notifications on mobile.

As far as I’ve found you can get notifications via

1- safari which come through kind of spotty on mobile.

2- email which at times have a delay so communication or replies can be delayed.

For the first time ever I decided to look into a solution and realized since bubbles forum is discourse hosted we can use the discourse app for perfect notifications from bubble forum!

‎Discourse Hub on the App Store


Hope this makes some of your lives easier!

Private messaging, replies, and over forum activities have been much easier and instant since I started using it!


Thank you!!! Gonna download this right now :blush: I’ve just been using it in the Chrome app

I’m using the android app for months, and indeed it’s really helpful, including notifications to replies or when someone tags you!


Love it! Air dev and all :wink: