Our Bubble application used to have custom error handling based on the code our APIs would return. Bubble used to handle all of these errors properly and render them in our error popup until a few days ago.
Now, Bubble only renders this error message: (" Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t complete your request. We’ll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!") even though we can see our APIs are returning the proper error message to handle.
This seems to be a bug on Bubble’s side as we haven’t touched these workflows in a month and our APIs for this database have not been modified.
Is anyone else experiencing this bug or issue in regards to their error handling?
Have seen this in multiple apps recently myself. Fixing errors has been a bit of a guessing game as of late.
What’s weird is if you run API calls in the plugin builder you’ll get correct errors but when those actions are moved into the app you don’t get the custom errors from the API provider you get the generic one you listed above.
We’ve currently implemented the following fix for our application until Bubble support is able to go thru and fix this bug:
Migrated all error handling to Bubble’s side
Check for what page or workflow a user is currently on
“Set states of error popup” with a conditional that checks if the message is “Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t complete your request. We’ll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!” and what page the user is on. Depending on what page the user is on we set the state with the message that we used to pass from our own APIs.
The workflow has multiple steps checking for each condition to check for what error message to pass to the users end.
This will be our bandaid until Bubble’s custom error handling bug is figured out.
Hope this helps if you’re getting stuck there and trying to figure out a temporary fix.