Bubble! please get rid of these

FOR THE LOVE OF ******* ****** PLEASE GIVE US THE ABILITY TO TURN OFF THESE GOD AWEFUL NEW TOOL TIPS. Every click into an element leads one to accidentally move into the documentation. This is horrible. Horrible. Horrible. Did I say horrible?

There are already a few other posts complaining about this. No doubt this is great for beginners, but those who are very comfortable with the platform need a way to develop without opening the documentation tab every second. It makes me want to throw my new macbook out the window.

@bubble @josh


Five threads and counting, Bubble. You folks almost done with the update that lets us turn these things off? :wink:


A quick heads up - we’re rolling this back for now and will re-evaluate in the new year: PLEASE make tooltips an option (Stop the insanity!) - #9 by allenyang


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