Bubble Stripe plugin hangs after payment

In the Bubble Stripe plugin with Checkout v3, after submitting a payment and returning from the Stripe checkout page, there is a lag that can be anywhere from 1-10+ seconds before the workflow continues to run. During this time, it appears to the user as if nothing is happening, and they can click buttons and again navigate to the Stripe checkout page and possibly pay again. I haven’t been able to find a good workaround for this. Has anyone else experienced or found a solution?

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Hey @robbertbrouwers,

It looks like @josh1 is using Bubble’s Stripe plugin so definitely worth reaching out to Bubble! :slight_smile:

Oh great, so did I! Hopefully they’ll have a fix soon.

Hey guys, did any of you figure a way out of this 10-20 second delay?

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Would also be great if Bubble could add a redirect after payment parameter. My users go from my Sign Up page to the Stripe checkout page then BACK to the Sign Up page before finally being redirected to the appropriate tiered page. Doesn’t make for a great UX and this seems like a pretty straightforward fix on Bubble’s end.

So this is doable. While looking to fix the delay, I reached out to bubble and they suggested I create it via a workflow. So this is what I did

  1. When user clicks pay now - I create a field called payment initiated under user and set it to yes.
  2. When the page is loaded and current user’s payment initiated is yes, show and scroll to an element. In my case, the ‘payment processing’ group.
  3. At the end of the workflow, I set the payment initiated field to ‘no’.

I may not have explained the steps in details, but Works perfectly for me. I hope I was able to communicate the gist of it.

In your case, I’ll assume, you can redirect to another page if the ‘payment initiated’ is yes and in the redirected page, use a ‘if current user’s payment initiated is yes’, do whatever you want to do and also set the payment initiated to ‘no’.

Hope this helps