BUG? Data not being saved

Hi There, I’ve heard about this issue before…
Data that comes from a plugin it is saved, and soon after “deleted by itself”.

I’ve done a sample app to show.
Simple workflow to save data.



Bubble has already been notified.

Tks for any workarround anyone has found.
Tks, Augusto.

Hi everyone!
Data loss is such a crucial issue.
Does anyone have any insights or solutions to share?

Thanks in advance!

Any updates on this fix? This is happening to me on a photo upload. Only previous data entries are displaying in my repeating groups. New entries show as broken however you can see them under files but not app data

It is a BUG at all, waiting for Bubble.

Bubble shared a thread

Anyone’s live data glitching?


Josh, shared more details about this regression in the stability update here

That’s all I found so far…

Are you sure it’s still this?

Josh shared on the Forum that the issue has been resolved. See here; Anyone's live data glitching? - #35 by josh

Check for yourself…
first post in this thread, a link to a test…

Oh no. I was asking if this bug was related to that issue. But it’s all good that Bubble’s aware.

Are you sure it’s not an order of operations issue?

If you use one button to run the plugin action, then another to create the Thing using the plugin’s state, does the issue resolve?

It is a really strange behaviour…

It seemns to save in DB… But when you look at DB itself, it is not there…
I was wondering…
I think it saves in “Front End - just to show”, but does not actually saves in DB…

So front end and backend might have different behaviour when data comes from this plugin… and I can’t understand why this plugin…!

The question is, this is BUG.

I’ve tried many workarrounds…

Il try to save using backend (workarround), but think it has to be solved otherwise Bubble might become insecure to deal with…

I’ve given a possible solution, have you tried it?

Nothing works…
It seems to know data is comming from the plugin…
Custom Events, States, Backend Workflow… (any workarround…)
This data is simply not saved…

Waiting from Bubble…

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