Calculation question revenue sum

Hi forum,

I have a question about a calculation / formatting in my app.

On the field where now is the number “196” I want to have the sum of all the number above it (Omzet column).

This is how the “omzet” (Revenue) is calculated:
Schermafbeelding 2024-05-09 om 10.44.28

It is on cell niveau lead_price x received today = omzet (revenue) of this client

Every client has a other “received_today” and “lead_price” value.


If I understand you correctly you are using a repeating group to pull that list of ozmet values? If so you could use “repeating group Xs list of values:each items ozmet:sum”. You could store it in a state and display it.

Hey @jona :wave:

I think the ozmet column itself is also calculated, so you have to use some format as text trick to calculate the sum.

Simply, your one line formula should be: Repeating Group's Things :format as text :split by(|) :each item :converted to number:sum.

In the format as text box, you have to put the following values (of course, the content to show will be dynamic value):

The logic behind this is: using format as text enables you to calculate some dynamic value for each row in the repating group, more like a map in programming languages but format as text results in a single string combined by the delimiter. Then split by is used to separate the values back into a list.

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