Can a bubble built project be synced to github?

Is it possible to sync code generated by bubble to github ? How does bubble manage version control otherwise ?

Within the bubble editor you’ll find access to version control, the ability to create branches and savepoints. Depending on your apps plan it could be basic (just one branch) or advanced (multiple branches and subbranches).

The code genereted by bubbles engine is not available to you as a customer, so not github option.

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thank you. Good to know. I saw somewhere reference to github sync and assumed it pushes code out.

FYI: you can export your entire Bubble app as a JSON

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that seems cool. when an application is exported, what do we get ? executable , docker image or something else? is there a page where I can understand what is exported and how I can run it ?

Hey @debasish,

No, you cannot run a Bubble app on anything other than Bubble.