Can a repeating list be based on values of radial buttons in other repeating lists?

I am trying to have a repeating list which only shows data based on two other repeating lists which contain radial buttons - each of the two preceding repeating lists are also dynamic lookups of data.

Is it possible to have the search of a repeating list be based on values of radial buttons in other repeating lists?

My goal is to have a single page where the app user can select two attributes from radial buttons of looked up data and then see a resulting list of items from which to choose. Once they choose one of the items, I will send them to a page for that item passing along the item type from the selection.



Yes, think about it… You can have an event that send the current cell’s data of the first repeating group to a group, and have the second repeating group refer to it. You should watch the video ‘Send data to a group’

Thanks, after some trial an error and reviewing the ‘Send data to a group’ video a few times - I was able to accomplish what I wanted. I ended up using a workflow on the radial button which set the state of a custom state for the repeating group which I wanted to display only a select list of items based on the selections of the radial buttons. I ended up adding two custom states and two workflow rules. Then it worked.

Now I just need to figure out why the repeating group I created shows data even before the radial buttons are set to anything…


Did you figure this one out? Sounds related to the other question.

Yes, I was able to get it to work by using workflows to set the state of a custom state for the repeating group - then it worked as I wanted. thanks.

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