Can an autobound number input have it's content format (integer, decimal, currency, percentage) changed conditionally?

I have a numerical input autobound to the database.

In the conditional tab of the input field, when setting a condition, the content format is not listed as a property to change.

Can this be done another way? I tried setting the initial content and placeholder with “formatted as:” settings, but that didn’t work.

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Did you ever figure this out? I am looking for an easier way to do the date content format to change to “date 2” if the user is in another country than the United States. Thanks :slight_smile: I normally just do 2 inputs but just seems overkill and ridiculous.

I used the condition tab to change the initial content (which didn’t actually change), appended with the “:formatted as” function (which did change).

Ok, ya, i think i have done that before too. I am looking to change the date input though. That doesn’t have that option. Thanks for the response though! :slight_smile:

Have you tried having 2 date inputs, and have date 1 show when user’s country is US, and hide when is not US, and vice versa for date 2?

They could both be autobound to the same field, and it should work.

Ya, that’s what i have done before. It’s a real pain to do though. I am going to see if bubble can expose that element in the conditionals for us. I think that will make things a lot easier. It’s a definite pain point. Hope they will do that for us.

Thanks for your response :slight_smile:

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