Can i create a table with dynamic columns?

first of all user will enter some specific integer number so after that i want to create a dynamic table with that perticular number of columns how can i do that?

Do you have a defined set of possible integer inputs? In such a case could be an option having multiple groups that toggle their visibility upon the integer input by the user?

Hii @federico.tomasi
No there is not defined set of possible integers. Actually my task is something different. Please check the following post How can i create dynamic table into bubble

Could be something like this?

Hi @federico.tomasi
Yes, I want it exactly like this. Can you tell me how you made it?

hi @jenil.kukadiya ,

I don’t have much time now to explain, but I have shared the app editor.
It is quite easy to get that, you just need to properly configure the Repeating group, its layout, the layout of the contained elements.
To change dynamically the number of columns, use the action “Display list in RepeatingGroup” triggered by the button you see next to the input field.
You should be able to access the app editor here:

Hope this helps.
Kind regards

Thanks @federico.tomasi Got it.

Hi @federico.tomasi ,
Can you help me in my below query?

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