Can I do a Google Doc like with

Hi there,

My client would like a “collaborative” wiki-like, meaning a rich text editor where many users can type at the same time.

It may look a bit like Google Doc feature or etherpad for those who know it. Would it be something that Bubble can achieve?

It requires complex interaction combining real-time saving, conflict avoidance, and other fun stuff to make collaborative work. Maybe this has already been tried?

Any thoughts?

Absolutely but the only downfall is page break automation as Google uses an entire custom algorithm for it.

I can help you create a plugin to make this possible if interested shoot me a message!

Hey, @chris.williamson1996,

What do you mean by this?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

This looks like a cool plugin idea. Seems like real-time collaboration would really eat up an apps capacity without using something like the real-time DB. That said I haven’t seen other examples of real-time colabbing like this with bubble

Where it automatically adds a page break for new pages to format for multi page pdf or printing.

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