Hey guys ! I am using an API that returns only a .json file as a response , which means I have only access to .json file (by bubble’s functions) and not the content inside the .json file. So my question is that any way possible that i can read the json data from the .json file and can have access to key:value pairs inside my bubble application ?
Any help is appreciated!
With the API Connector if you GET the json file URL it will interpret it as if it received a JSON response like normal.
So if you can do the initial API call, get the json file in your database, then chain another GET request to the resulting file URL you will have what you want Then delete the file after.
I didn’t get “chain another Get request” , right now i am getting this api response (see below eg) and the actual data that is want is residing inside “abcdFILE.json” , how can I parse the json file here in bubble and read it ?
is "jsonDataUrl” a publicly accessible file URL?
Okay perfect, make a new GET API call in the API Connector like this:
And put a previous URL to a json file you got to initialize it. A test one I found was https://support.oneskyapp.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/202761627
Then in your workflow use the result of your 1st API call’s jsonDataUrl as the URL for this 2nd API call, then the result of the 2nd one will be your JSON parsed response
It worked. Thanks a lot man! Good day.
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