"cards" based off total # of users in database

Hi all,
I’m new to the community however I have been learning to program in JS/React/Node/Sql over the last year or so and I created a side project that I’m now trying to replicate here in Bubble.

I’m trying to create a page that loads cards for users existing in a database, so if I only have 1 user then only 1 card will appear, if I have 200 users, then only 200 will appear on the page. I’d prefer to have 10-15 cards appear at a time and continue to load more as the visitor scrolls down.

An example would be like Youtube’s home page. Each card includes the users thumbnail, title, profile name etc. I’m trying to figure out the Bubble logic to replicate this.

Regarding the data, I feel this is something I could, and would like to figure out on my own as I’m already reading the Bubble Docs and watching the helpful videos. (I love learning)

Please advise if I am need to post this elsewhere. I’m super excited about utilizing this amazing tool, especially after learning web programming over the last year :smiley:

Just use a repeating group… to Lado your Users, with a card inside each cell.