Hi there,
I am using the Sendgrid plugin to send Emails to my users, so far so good, the problem is now we are moving to a different country so we need to send the messages in a different language. We are using the app text to full fill the email.
My question is, how can I change the language of the content in the email depending on the language that the user has set in the db ?
Hi there @sebastian5,
In your app settings under Language
Hi @sebastian5 ,
I have exactly the same challenge. I’m sending notification emails to users and I also planned to use app text for composing the messages. I found out that the message language is based on the language setting of the user who triggers the workflow for sending the emails. There seems to be no way to choose the email content language based on the language that recipient has set in db. I hope Bubble will add an option in Send email action to allow language selection based on recipient language. Luckily I have only two languages in my app and the notification emails are short. For now I use static dual language messages as a workaround.