Changing colour of a shape depending on whether a task has been completed

I am trying to make a dashboard that has a timeline and when a task has been completed, the task on the timeline turns green and if it is behind schedule then it turns amber, please could I have some help doing this.


What have you tried so far? Which parts are you stuck on?

I have tired hiding different elements and then showing the element to be green once a task has been completed I just can’t seem to figure it out.

You should be able to use a conditional on your timeline object that says, “When this task is completed, color = green.” Can you share a screenshot of your setup? Even better, sharing a link to your editor with permissions set to EVERYONE CAN VIEW would make this much faster.

I believe that the conditions should now work the only problem I am now having is that due to the timeline being on a separate page to where the tasks can be show as completed I can’t use it so when the button “yes” is click then the colour of the shape changes

I need it be so that when a yes button is pressed on a different page it then shows the icon to be green rather than white until the button no is clicked then it goes to white

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