Conditionally change if a popup can be closed by pressing esc

@nick.carroll There is a simple checkbox on the popup element that allows us to set if a popup can be closed by pressing esc

We currently can not change this via the conditionals tab. It should be added so we can change if the popup can not be closed by pressing esc conditionally.

This is the same thing as changing conditionally whether an input must not be empty or an element is not clickable.

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I basically believe every and any formatting option or setting of an element should be available to be changed conditionally.


Facts on facts


I had just inserted earlier in the ideaboard another layout element to be added in the conditionals. For me the “fit to width” is a must to most inputs, as I don’t need the whole row stretched there if the user already filled a value in it.

*ps: I was unable to open your idea on the ideaboard.

Need to be logged into Bubble to do so I believe, either that or Bubble just has not figured out how to make the links work properly when we copy the link from the idea…can search using same title as my topic in this post

I’m thinking they are reviewing all ideas before approving to public or something.
Can’t find yours by name, part of the name, nor links. Also noticed I can’t find my own haahah

Mine is called “Add “Fit width to content” as a property to change on conditionals”

FYI… that’s correct.

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They should definitely figure a way to make it so that once they approve the idea that it automatically creates a post in the forum to make them publicly visible.

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