Convert a date range into months


I was wondering how can I convert a date range into a number of months. Say I have a range from 20th May to 20th June = 1 month.

Here’s a example of how you can do it in a text box:


The key is to use “extract” then pick what type of unit you want the dates converted to:

Then when you subtract the 2 you will find your answer :slight_smile:
Hope that helps.

after the first extract action it does not appear minus item

A more button appears at the end before you press anything else - just click on that. Or if you press enter before pressing on more, just click after it and more will appear again…

Hey @paulogustavopeixoto, you can still select (-) sign in @john3 example and it will work fine

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I have done that but the options that appear do not include the minus action

Can you post a screen shot of what you have?

Thank you guys it worked just fine

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If you are trying to save a value in a field ensure the the type is number. If you can share a screenshot it will be easier for you to get assisted

My app is a booking system I want to save the number of months of a booking to apply a commision based on the value monthly rent times the ammount of months of booking

The only real issue I have at the moment is that, since I am in Europe and because it is a marketplace, I charge customers a value and then need to trasnfer the ammount after fees to the landlord. But the stripe plugin soes not allow me to save bank details based on Iban instead of routing number which is not used in Europe. Besides that everything is set up. Thats the missing part.

trying to do similar thing. for some reason its juts pushing through current year and seems to be ignoring everything after the Minus. well its actually just calculating the current year 2022 by 12. so giving me 24264. When it should actually be giving me a about 12 as im using a date from a bout 1 year ago.