Create a same temporary app password for every new user


As an Admin, I would like to create User accounts individually, and also be able to import multiple Users using a .csv for instance.

So I need to create a single temp password for my app, because if I send a reset password email, I will have to send maybe thousands of emails in one go for each new user imported.

Is there a way to force Bubble to recognise the temporary pswd when a new User logs in, and then the app will show a reset password page.


When you are uploading a CSV to create Users in your Bubble DB, you can add another column called password, and under that, mention the password for the respective user in that row. Bubble will take that as the password for that particular user. You can try and see if this works

For doing this individually, you can use the Data API and similarly, specify the password in the password parameter in your JSON object.

Hello, thank you for your reply,

Howerver I never used API in Bubble, how can I specify the password in the password parameter, where is the password parameter ?

You can find details here

This is how a request is made

Here, you can specify the key as password and provide your password in the value for that key