Create number of rows per input


Hi Bubblers!

is there a way that I can input a number(on the circle) and add rows on my repeating group as per the input number. As of now, It will only add one on each entries.

Hi! Is there a max to how many rows a user could/would be adding?

Hello, I guess 100 entries are enough. as for now, each users needs to type in a number to add an entry. I set the RG to be sorted in case the user input the numbers in a wrong order. So anything the user inputs in the circled item, that will be added to the group. what i wanted to achieve is, if they input a number 10, 10 rows will be added to the group. thank you in advance :blush:

Use the toolbox plugin, there is some workflow in there related to counting numbers, you can use that together with List shifter to create the rows. Works perfectly.

  1. Create a Back end workflow called something like “create_rows”. Add 2 keys, 1 for this_count and 1 for num_rows. Also add all the keys for the relevant data that you need to populate your new rows.
  2. Add a first step to your create_rows workflow to add a single record.
  3. Add a second step that calls create_rows only when this_count <= num_rows. The 2 key values are: this_count + 1 and num_rows remains constant.
  4. Now go back to your add button and a workflow step that calls create_rows where this_count = 1 and num_rows = the input value.

can you please show me how to do this? . thank you guys. this will be a huge help.