Has anybody created or seen a Bubble created app, or knows how to go about creating a user built dashboard?
It would require elements to be dragged and dropped - which I know can be done, but also resized, moved around etc.
To that same effect, are there any examples out there, can anyone point me to, for things such as creating say arrows, annotations and user created comments and captures - (maybe links, photos etc)?
hey Tony … did you get through this?? I’m looking for info on the same (Creating User Enabled Drag and Drop Dashboards).
If yes, could you please let me know how you achieved it.
Between MoveIt! And CSS Tools you can do alot of this, although CSS Tools Pro (nearly ready) combines these and also adds mouse click an element, the element then binds to the pointer and you click where you want the element to unbind and stay. Coupled with the other features of CSS Tools Pro the one plugin will take care of everything needed for a dash or mini bubble including resizing. I expect to release Pro in a day or 2.