I need to hide and show elements when I receive an sucessfull api call from the database. I don’t understand how this things works inside bubble. I tried 2 methods:
using “Element is not visible during load”
and I tried using custom states, but I can’t trigger to set state when I receive data.
Any tips how I can easily solve this?
Hey koranthir!
Can you share a little more about what you are calling “api call from the database”. You mean the time while Bubble is taking to load information from your database?
If your API call is being made in the text element itself, there’s no way to hook into the API request transaction. Instead, you can try using a workflow to make the API call in a state. That way, you’ll be able to check against the value of the state to make changes based on if/when you receive data.
But how I can do this in workflow? Seens like I’m missing something because I can’t check if I received some value in workflow to change states and then show elements and other actions.