DB Trigger event - add ALL fields as the ‘Field to watch’


I’ve looked around and can’t seem to find my answer…
I’m trying to give my app a ‘real-time functionality’, so whenever any value changes within a specific data type, an API workflow is run and the responses are captured in the app and presented to the user (in real-time/whenever the user makes a change).

To do so, I’m looking into db triggers (if there is a better way please let me know?!). So I’m trying to trigger my db event whenever the database changes for any field in that specific data type.

Thing to watch: Tasks
Field to watch: All fields attributed to Tasks

Does anyone know how to:
Firstly, trigger this workflow on any and all Tasks?
and secondly, include all Task’s data fields to the ‘Field to watch’ value?

Any help or alternative approach is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Have you seen the backend workflows database trigger change?

I have, but I’m using a chatgpt plugin that has a data container element, holding its response, on my index page, which I can’t reference from a backend workflow.

So I’m wanting to trigger the workflow on all Tasks that meet these constraints, for all fields, but I can’t even select a single field when I change the Task parameter to a list/array…

Triggered workflow:

Custom event:

based on your OP, IF you’re storing it in the DB then DB triggers will accomplish what you want for any field in the thing that changes regardless of whether the DB thing is being displayed in a container on the page.

**EDIT: And it goes by each individual thing (in the DB trigger) so no need to worry about an array of the things)

Thanks. I’m not sure I’m following though.

How would I make it that any field associated with the DB thing (Task) would trigger the event?

Thats how a db trigger works. when it changes and meets a condition it triggers wfs. Read up on it

I understand how db triggers work, and I already have a DB trigger workflow, as below.

To be clearer, my question is how can I add ALL FIELDS as the ‘Field to watch’ for ALL Tasks?

Thats not a db trigger. As it says its a custom even that has a trigger. Db triggers are in the backend. Read the details on db triggers in the manual…