Deploying bubble app to app store or play store

Hey everyone
I have created a mobile app in the bubble, Now I want to deploy the app to the app store, but I have some queries regarding the same. the queries are as follows:-

  1. Do I need to make my bubble app live from version-test, in order to deploy the app to the app store ?

  2. What steps do I need to follow to deploy the app to the app store?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there, congrats on your app completion!

  1. You will need to make your Bubble app live
  2. Since Bubble is a web/browser based app, you cannot natively push it to the app stores. What you need instead is to ‘wrap’ your app in what is essentially a bespoke browser that acts more like a native app (yet still relies on the internet to load). If you search the forum for Wrappers you should find a lot of resources. I see users mention BDK, and Natively, among other options, but I haven’t dug into those myself.

Good luck!

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