Discord API: 401 Error

I am having an issue with the Discord API. I set up the application and set up the OAuth but I am getting this error after I authorize with Discord.


Hey @Snow,

Per the Discord documentation, it seems that your Authorization headers are not authorized

@johnny I had this setup at one point but I believe things have changed and it is different. I will have to read what to do unless you know where I messed up

It’s probably your app keys is my guess. Can’t really tell from the screenshot.

@johnny I have regenerated my keys but there is my old stuff to show what I had if that helps.

Was this on the test version?

@johnny No, that was on my build version.

Ok, if you do it once again and it doesn’t work properly I’d assume it’s a plugin problem and would just build my own API call within the API connector.

@johnny I just noticed that it says to revert back to a previous version. It should work now.

You don’t seem to have selected any scopes.
I think you need to at least have the identity selected

Do you know how to fix this? Everything is setup the same as before. I have taken so long on this because I gave up on trying to figure it out. Now Im back to it. I did select the identity this time but it seems to reset when you refresh.

You’re using the wrong redirect URL. At least that’s what it looks like

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