Do the Intersection of two lists is faster than use advanced filter?

It’s a marketplace for cars
I want to make it as fast as possible.
A data type “Cars” with 2.000.000 created cars
I will display less than 80 cars per page.

I have two options:

    -A Data type Car with a field Accessories (Accessories is an option set type)
    -Option set called accessories with 200 fields.
    -Multidropdown to select accessories option sets

        RG- Do a search for Cars:Filtered (advanced:list of Cars accessories that contains a list of accessories selected in the multidropdown)

  • Same data type “Car” but now with no one field.
  • Create a new data type called “Accessory”. Inside of the data type create a field “Cars” as list of cars type.

Creating a new car page:
The user is selecting the accessories for the car.
For each new accessory that he selects, he’s actually putting the car inside of the field “list of cars” in the accessory data type.

On the search page:
Another user is looking for a new car.
When he selects a new Accessory, the list of cars field inside of the data type of the accessory that he selects is intersected with the original list to show a new list.
RG - Now i just need to show in my RG the new saved list (result of the intesect)

Basically I want to use the multiple intersections to filter the original list, the advantage is that I can create the filter list that is going to intersect with the original list before.
maybe this requires less power.

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