Exciting news: New workflow tab to become default experience

If there’s one benefit, it forces you to have stuff set into folders. Because otherwise you ain’t finding shit.


I love noodl’s editor, but in my experience debugging a noodl app is much more difficult than a bubble app, particularly when there’s race conditions where a WF fires too early, etc

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It’s weird that this post didn’t change their mind:


Day 2 of persisting with using this new workflow builder…

I still don’t see how it is an improvement at all. Just makes workflows slower to build and harder to find and work with.

A full 50% of the workflow builder window is now blank space.
Unless you have everything in folders the workflows are so hard to find.


I agree. The new layout with no additional features like loops or else if flows is useless and gives less value that it currently adds. I will switch to new one and adapt, but this is a downgrade of software we had before. Also Agree with a post above with horizontal presentation in a way we have it now is really bad.

And there is one atrocious thing to this change. Before I could see all workflows without folders, now in some cases folders are always default so I cannot see all workflows anymore.
I can only see uncategorized then the rest. This is awful and impedes my work in many fields.

  • Tell me if I am right, but I cannot convert event type of frontend workflows so if I want to convert a clicked on to custom workflow it is no longer possible.

Just want to say that I like it.


Agreed, I’m resorting to finding the element in the editor and then start/edit workflow to find where the hell stuff is. Although no good for custom events or “when condition is true” type actions. Folders is no doubt a good practice but after working with projects so long you just “know” where the relevant actions are in the old layout and so much easier to see related workflows with differing conditions side by side to isolate the relevant one.

Cursors UI looking toastier by the minute…


As it stands, it’s just a “modernised”, yet somehow more clunky interface that doesn’t add a lot to the existing experience.

What it really needs is to address my biggest bug bear in this editor - the ability to distinguish which workflows run synchronously vs. asynchronously. Nothing frustrates me more than having to read every action and apply my knowledge of how the bubble engine handles those actions to avoid weird issues with conditionals due to the opaque sync/async behaviour. The editor should be able to automatically show this (ideally by splitting the flow at the right point).

On the topic of flows… if/else/switch and loops. WHY are these features still not in bubble after all this time? It’s basic functionality in every language and almost every other no/low-code platform, yet made completely unintuitive by the “Do when” conditionals. Keep the “Do when” option, but for those of us who want complex (and readable!) workflows - please, oh please add these features!


100% this

Agreed! Why must we get forced into this, is there some feature that is present on the new layout that is not present on the original?

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If Bubble were to offer the option of staying with the old layout and the basis that it will no longer be maintained/updated, I think a lot of folk (myself included) would be ok with that.


The only explanation I can think of for this nonsense is that Bubble’s tech debt is so massive that they can’t support both workflow views, and Bubble continues to be the anti-Google by refusing to scrap any feature in which it has invested time.

Perhaps by consolidating the workflow views and other features, they can focus on the existential threat to their existence? :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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Can you preserve the list view / grid view selection for each app so that when I refresh the editor it doesn’t reset?


While we’re at it: the last selected BWF folder & WF in the BWF mode; the last selected page in design mode; the last selected WF in the page WF mode. And since we’re dreaming, might as well dream big: last used date format; last used currency format.

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Ditto. lase used or a default for currency and especially for date

@bubble, take notice. It’s not every day you can fulfill the big dreams of hundreds of people in just a few hours of dev… :folded_hands:

Please for the love of god no, this will make my life hell. Please, please don’t push this.

My complex workflows were nigh on impossible to work on, and without sub-folders it is pretty lacking in terms of basic organisational function, not having the overview of the original layout made it really tough. Conceptually it’s good, a lot of other apps have gone in a similar direction to good effect, but it has not been executed well enough to be in full release.

Praying to the bubble gods… my workflows don’t all have the ~5 actions that would actually fit on the screen :folded_hands:


They are technically there with custom event return parameters, but extremely obscurely implemented. And yes to loops. And map as well. We shouldn’t need Listshifter or Floppy (no longer maintained) to accomplish basic array manipulations.

I’m not entirely happy with this move as well.

  1. Not being able to see my When conditions at a glance makes me lose track of elements that have multiple different actions.

Compare this with the “old” design (can see Where conditions easily)..

Hopefully this’ll become easier to use over time!


Gotta be a reverting UX thing, the feature is insufferable to use. The overall response has been initially supportive but mostly negative due to bubble botching it.

The community consensus has literally been the complete opposite, this thing is pretty rough to use on very large complex apps…finding things is less intuitive, conditionals display way worse, etc etc etc

What ever happened to the new feature set like loops/IF/ELSE that was promised with it? Or are we just gonna push a clunky downgrade?


Bubbler since 2016. Switched to the new workflows layout as soon as it was available and after using it on one of my apps for several weeks, reverted.

It is a downgrade in terms of visibility and functionality. This wasn’t what needed fixing.