Feedback requested - Job seeking website built with bubble

Hi guys,

I’ve built a website via bubble (which is great) I’m looking for some feedback on everything minus design. The vast majority of the functionality is complete with the exception of 1 or 2 things.

The concept is focused around the employer searching for individuals (students) rather than receiving an influx of applications. An employer can search for a job seeker via city, category and a keyword if they wish.

A limitation on keywording is it will only bring up exact matches to the entered keyword I looked at ways around this such as using a search box to query what had been entered but that would bring up multiple entries of the same type. example would be having the city name pop up 20 times. Going forward I’ll be looking at including a graph of popular keywords used by job seekers.

The website has no verification on signups for either jobseekers or employers so feel free to create an account and play around. The design is largely just stock as I’m far from a designer but will be changing over the coming week as a good friend of mine is a web designer really just focused on the functionality.

3 things that I’ve yet to implement that will be very shortly are the ability to view all your purchased profiles and the ability to hide unwanted profiles from a search result.

I worked for a company that tried to build something similar to this a few years ago it cost them alot of money and over a year in development and I’ve recreated a similar version (although simpler) via bubble in about 4 days so just a wee plug at how good bubble is :slight_smile:

Would be great if you guys could take a look and signup and make mention of anything that could be improved.

Employer accounts require credits in order to download a students CV if you signup as an employer just post here and ill load credits onto the account.



ps this is built for the New Zealand market :slight_smile:

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Actually… I’ve just figured out that you cannot search a list… thus it breaks a much needed bit of functionality. Is anyone aware of a work around for this? You can search a list if it only contains one value but if more are added then it breaks.

Edit: Thanks to @fayewatson’s help the issue is resolved :slight_smile:

It functions well, user interface needs more clarity. Something like a step by step process, create profile, upload vc, and etc.

Yea you’re correct. I’ve been toying with a few ideas as to how to clarify this process but am holding off on it at this stage until design has been finalised.

A good lesson i have learn while using bubble is holding off the design until the end. Focusing on app purpose/function and improving the workflow/conditions helps a lot. But sometimes I find myself playing around with the styles before I get anything done.