Figma to Bubble Converter

Does anyone know what the Figma plug-in does? [Published on January 7, 2020].

Can you use this to design in Figma and convert to Bubble?

It does everything figma rest api offers. Read their documentation linked on the plugin page or try it out for yourself, its free & all endpoints link to doc sections. :roll_eyes:

Thanks @Taiheta - Sorry, I’m new to this and trying to learn fast…could you do a video (maybe using Loom) to show some of the things that this plug-in enables you to do.

yeah im not going to do that, its very easy to integrate.

My users connect their figma account to share the latest version of artboard/file preview image.

If you need help with anything particular can you create a new post and tag me or leave feedback on the plugin page. :crazy_face:

Hey Matt! Just checked out your site and the blog post you made on ResidentStreet, i saw the setup on your plugin to go from Figma to Bubble and it looked awesome! Super fast and clean functionality.

I’m really looking forward to this plugin! What is a rough guestimate of a planned release for the public?

Hey Matt, any ETA for the figma plugin ? Would love to use it.

HI @louis.veyret,

As you noticed, Bubble team is now on it, so we focus our efforts on other tools for now. We discussed with @allenyang recently about it, while the conversion Figma <> Bubble is far for being straightforward, they will propose a nice way for doing it in the near future. So be patient, it is worth it! :slight_smile:


Any insights so we can start dreaming a little ? :wink: