Filtering a repeating group data with a dropdown

Hello, fellow Bubblers,

I was building an e-commerce platform a while back and noticed something with the filtering function, especially when combining it with search input function variables.

I needed quite a few conditionals to make this work as effectively as I wanted. Specifically, I had to set a conditional for every different price range in the dropdown to filter the repeating group’s data source.

However, someone mentioned that this isn’t a good practice, which got me wondering—how can I improve this approach?

Any ideas on how to make it better? Every suggestion is appreciated!

PS: It’s working properly but I need to know if there is a smarter way to do this


I would create an Option set with the dropdown possible values
add field for min value and max value

then on the Do a search, you add constraints so that
product price < selected option max value
product price > selected option min value

And check the box to ignore empty constraints (when the dropdown is empty)