[FREE PLUGIN] Better Native Tooltips

Hey people, thought it would be worth sharing here as well.

We just dropped a free / open source little plugin that is essentially a one-click install to upgrade the bubble native tooltips on text, buttons and images to work better.


How it works is simple. The plugin detects the tooltips (which are just native title properties) and replaces them for a tippy.js instance with default config.

Check out the docs in the demo for examples on how to configure tooltips in-line!

Demo available here :point_right:t4: Better Native Tooltip

View the editor :point_right:t4: better-native-tooltip | Bubble Editor


This is an extremely cool plugin. I honestly wish I could somehow use it for our onboarding on mobile. 5/5 plugin regardless

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So good. Loved it!

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What is the correct way to deal with dynamic plugins? I want to show a tooltip if a an input is empty (1T- Dropdown) and show no tooltip otherwise.
For some reason it always shows the tooltip, even after I entered something in the dropdown.

any thoughts on this @Kayami ?

Anyone experienced this issue:

It seems to happen randomnly on some tooltips…