Google calendar freebusy with dynamic calendar id problem

I have a problem with implementing freebusy check from Google Calendar via API connector.
I try to check availability of consultants for scheduling a meeting. For this I plan to have single Google account, with shared calendars of each of the consultants. In API call I planned to dynamicaly pass calendar ID of specific consultant (calnendar_id will be stored in database).
Unfortunately, due to way the response is constructed (calendars array->calendarID->busy->event dates) Bubble API connector builds strange datatype, with calendar id as part of its name. This way, when I change calendar ID, the data type also changes, and my elements do not recognize it and refuse to show the dates.

Returned values from API are shown below, “primary” will be replaced by different calendar IDs.

Could anyone guid me, how to set up the API call and calendar element/repeating group in a way, that I can fetch data for different calendar IDs and show them in single element? Or maybe my approach is not good at all and there is better/easier way to achieve this?

I add API call setting, in case that matters