Google Sheets API

Hey everyone!

I am trying to connect google sheets API to collect and read data but can’t seem to find a video or tutorial on it (new to working with APIs and they confuse me)

I would prefer not to use a third-party connector but if I have to does anyone know the best value one out there?


So if you are new to APIs, you can watch these videos of me- On how to connect API in Bubble.

Hey @ankur1 and @pattokane :wave:

Just a note for @ankur1. In your GET REST API Video, to pass the parameter ID into the URL you just need to add something like [ID] instead of the ID number. Then a parameter field will show up that you can use dynamically. Then just uncheck private so you can set it in a workflow or in data.

@pattokane Just FYI. I think Google Sheets is a lot more complicated than this API. I will see if there is documentation for it. Otherwise, the easiest thing to do would be to import it as a CSV file directly into bubble or a different place like TypeSense for quick searches with a lot of data.

Hope that helps! :blush:


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@J805 I am currently trying to import it but it keeps coming up with errors :’(

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@ankur1 Thanks for the videos mate I will work my way through them :slight_smile:

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What sort of error is it showing? Can you share a screenshot?

Have uploaded about 7 times and get this… I then go and fix and get another one lol might take a while to get it right

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