Group By in Repeating Group

I have a repeating group to display a list of Operating Expenses grouped by categories and aggregated by amount as shown

How can I tweak the aggregates to have specific dynamic date ranges and always update to the last three months?

you’d have to do a search for each aggregate within the table

it’s not ideal since you’re doing searches within a repeating group - but since there are a limited number of rows and you need the results to be changeable by the user (dynamic date ranges) you’d have to do searches for each rows aggregate

If you intend on showing 12 months you may be best to run the searches in a backend workflow (offload it to the server) and then store the numbers in a data type that can be accessed and loaded frequently by the user - if it is something that is fairly static and needs to be viewed often.

but for 3 months and 3 rows a search for each of the 9 results would be fine as well. aggregate searches are actually very cheap in terms of WU units in bubble since they only return a number

I’ll try this out. Thank you, Mitch

This worked for the table. Though I didn’t use a backend workflow

I guess I don’t need the Advanced filter for the Totals row