Groups width/text

Hello All,

Any ideas on the following? I have a non responsive group (header really) that does not adjust to different web page sizes… I have tried fixed width/min/max width. Do I need to make it a responsive group to make this work?? Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Thank you !

Yes, the header must be responsive. Try this:


If you want matching responsiveness, you’ll have to match the layout settings of both the header and row, for each column.

do the rows and columns of this header have to match this layout?

No. I use fixed and responsive elements inside my header. Their size will affect how the header responds. If you fill the header completely with elements they might limit how the header acts.

What do you mean “does not adjust to different web page sizes?” Do you put the same header into different pages of different sizes?

if you look at the first attachment its a product calendar that says company, deal size, shares, etc…When I expand the webpage they don’t align with the underlying information. For the life of me I cannot figure it out…

OK, you mean when you change the page size responsively, got it.

Yes, I see the misalignment. The width of each text box in row 1 needs to the same as the width of each box in row 2. Probably you should set them all to Fixed width so they don’t change with changing content. See if that helps.

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