Handle period in API parameter

Hi. Am trying to set up my bubble app to accept webhooks from whatsapp. Looks like meta wants to send API parameters with periods in the names. I’m not sure how to handle this as the API workflow doesn’t allow periods in the parameter names (probably due to PHP rules).

Can you share what you have tried? You shouldn’t have issue with that. And from what I see from webhook doc, there’s no period.

According to meta, I should expect to get a verification request like this:

Link to the reference:

I’m trying to put in the period in the key name when defining the API but can’t

Do you think I missed something? Is there a different way to configure the whatsapp webhook? Have you been able to do it?

I understand what you mean now. It’s about the auth part before getting the webhook. What I suggest is to send a support ticket to be able to set parameters that contain period.
Actually, the only way I can see is to use another tool in the middle of Bubble and whatapps

See this, @Jici

This is a big issue actually. There does seem to be a simple fix and we should definitely push bubble to make it. It is likely not easy for bubble to just accept periods but they should definitely offer a substitution as a solution (like PHP does). Def not keen to have something in between bubble and whatapp - would be a huge drain of time and resources.

BTW, super-appreciative of your taking the time to understand and respond. Thanks!

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Hello bubblers, did you solve this issue?

Sort of.
1- Please see the thread Trigger API Workflows with GET Requests - #26 by aestela to get updates on the longer-term fix. Bubble’s team still insists this is some kind of “new feature” and who knows when it will get prioritized.

2- In the short term, only fix is to have your webhook go somewhere else (I set up a listener using Google AppScript, someone else set up a node script on a server), then have that API replace periods with underscores and forward to bubble. A hack solution but we’re forced to do this.

Hi all - just released an experimental feature allowing you to enter periods in your API workflow keys!

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Thanks for getting this done. As this was a time-sensitive request, we had to deploy a stop-gap solution but this is good to have as the right long-term solution. Looking forward to working with this in the coming weeks.

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