Handling Date Format Issues with Webhooks in Bubble

Hi everyone,
I’m encountering an issue with dates received via a webhook in Bubble. The dates are sent in the French format (DD/MM/YYYY), but Bubble automatically interprets them in the English format (MM/DD/YYYY).

For example, a date like 11/12/2024 is processed as 12/11/2024.

How can I handle this to ensure that the dates are correctly interpreted in Bubble? Any tips or solutions to reformat this kind of data directly within Bubble would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :pray:

Hi @farouk.zemmouri :wave:

You can receive this Date as TEXT and, in Bubble, work this text to represent the desired date.

If you split the received text by “/” you will end with a list of 3 numbers

  • Item1 = 11
  • Item 2 = 12
  • Item 3 = 2024

Than you can set any arbitrary date and change its day to item1, change its month to item2 and change its year to item3.

Thanks @rpetribu for your answer , but how can i fill a dynamic value in the arbitrary time

The arbitrary date can be any date. You will change it later where I market in blue…

Arbitrary date/time:change date to item1 change month to item2 change year to item3

Thanks @rpetribu i did like this but , seems not work , do you have any idea where ic ba wrong , the text is empty in the front but in the inspector i have some data

The result is showing empty!?
Can you share some prints or a video!?
It is hard to know what is wrong just looking this image