Hello People! Developer Needed!


My name is Antony and i have created a Bubble App by myself. I have a lot of web design experience and a bit of a Developer experience but learning every day! I have a blessing and a curse at the same time, Ideas fall in my head out of the sky and they are all so good that i cannot stop my self from pursuing them. My Bubble App is an idea that will change the way businesses buy anything, from products and supplies to even services! I have partnered with Stripe and they also agree that the idea is unique and even told me that at the moment they don’t have a service that can cover me, but they are willing to create a new service for my platform! So then they advised me to open a C Corporation in Delaware USA which is already up and running.
My platform has a solid base that will now need a lot of tweaking. I need to create membership levels for the users with different benefits for each membership level, as well as a rating and review system for the users. There are many little steps before the app is ready to launch and until then i have the ability to use real businesses that friends and family own in order to test the functionality and efficiency of the app.

Looking for an expert Developer with free time and reasonable pricing to start a collaboration at the beginning and my ultimate goal is to employ this person full time if the chemistry and communication is successful and fruitful!

Thank you in Advance!


Hi @tielone

SparkDev is an experienced developers team who can help you with your app.

I’ve sent you PM with details, please check and write back to me.

Best regards,



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