HELP with data privacy and backend workflows

Dear Bubble forum community

I have a very specific data privacy issue that I am trying to solve for a clients Bubble io app.

About my issue:

When doing do a search for workflows, the found data is downloaded to the users’ browser which means that even if they can’t visually see it they can find the matches if they know how to use their browser.

Normally, one would just make privacy rules in a way that the database doesn’t give these users that should see the data access to it using privacy rules. But since unregistered users have to be able to start a Twilio API call, that needs to be activated by the user using a button to do a search. This needs to happen in some way, since the API otherwise doesn’t have the phone number it is supposed to call.

TL:RD the Twillio API plugin has to be able to start a call without the data being downloaded and visible to the user starting the call.

What? What API call? If you need to bypass privacy rules, use a backend workflow that returns the relevant data and call it from the frontend.

Hello George

Thanks a lot for your fast response.

If I understand you correctly I should use the backend workflow to “do a search” for the number to call and then send that found data to the Twilio workflow on the front end correct?


Yeah that’d work, the phone number would still be technically visible though.

Could you call the Twilio workflow in the backend and return only the relevant info (maybe a link/URL or whatever you need) to the frontend?

This is what I was thinking of doing but sadly the twilio plugin im using doesn’t support backend calls. Or maybe Twilio can’t make backend calls.
