Help with preloading

Hi, so I have a single-page bubble app, and all the tabs load via a conditional state. When I click the tabs, all the corresponding info loads very quickly except for when I click the “Scheduling” tab. There is a 1 or 2-second delay the first time it’s clicked after the webpage reloads. In the “Scheduling” tab i have a calendar made via a repeating group which I think is the cause for this delay. I’m hoping to find a solution where when the tab is clicked, it will be loaded instantaneously and then the calendar can load later. If anyone knows how to achieve this, any help would be appreciated.

Attached is a video describing the issue

you probably need to preload the repeating groups content

either you need to make the data that is referenced in the calendar more lightweight (maybe its heavy or does heavy nested searches)

or the data is lightweight and it’s just the server response time you are seeing

if it’s the server response time you could:

  1. add a loader for the user to “entertain them”
    2.preload the repeating group data - put a 0x0px repeating group somewhere that it loads on page load or before the schedule page is loaded and the data will already exist when the user clicks to show the scheduler - not ideal as it always loads the data but that will “preload” it